
Class aptent sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. In tempus, erat eget tincidunt elementum mauris quam laoreet erat

  • Aenean bibendum tempor lectus
  • Vestibulum ultricies
  • Nunc consectetur urna quis elit
  • Curabitur odio tellus
  • Donec rhoncus mi ac dui efficitur
  • Aenean bibendum tempor lectus
  • Vestibulum ultricies
  • Nunc consectetur urna quis elit
  • Curabitur odio tellus
  • Donec rhoncus mi ac dui efficitur

What Is Radix (XRD)?

Radix is a layer 1 smart contract platform built to create a Web3 future for everyone, not just the innovators here today. A future where our friends, family and colleagues can confidently participate. After 10 years of research, testing and development, Radix has built a highly optimized stack of custom technologies that tightly integrates wallet, programming language, execution environment, and consensus algorithm. Users, with the Radix Wallet, can confidently use Web3 and DeFi with human-readable transactions, transaction guarantees, native assets, and more. Developers, with Radix’s Scrypto programming language, can build secure, production-ready dApps in a fraction of the time.

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Radix (XDR)