OKB is a cryptocurrency released by the OK Blockchain Foundation and Maltese crypto exchange, OKEx. The exchange is one of the largest in the world and currently ranks third in liquidity, fourth in trading volume, and provides a wide selection of trading pairs. OKEx is similar in many aspects to the cryptocurrency exchange giant Binance, but there are a few key differences. The OKEx platform has its own cloud mining service, and the company has a more focused reach in providing options trading for users. Meanwhile, Binance strives to offer a broad range of crypto services globally.
OKB is the OKEx utility token that enables users to access the crypto exchange's special features. The coin is used to calculate and pay trading fees, grant users access to voting and governance on the platform, and reward users for holding OKB.
OKEx has become a world-leading trading floor since its launch in 2017. The platform launched in the spring of 2017 and emerged as an offshoot from the original OKCoin platform (operating since 2013 in China). OKCoin now focuses on exchanging fiat for crypto, while OKEx focuses on crypto trading with a built-in API for algorithmic trading. The exchange also gives users access to a multi-currency wallet and functions for margin trading.
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